Friday, April 13, 2012


Apologies again for the poor photo; as I've mentioned, every surface in the collage reflects light differently, and as a non-photographer myself I haven't figured out yet how to account for that.
This piece hung over my head for a long time, probably three months because of grad school and the  ill-conceived clouds.  But I do think it is relatively successful, if not ideal.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Teeth Study

Another quick study, of an image that came to mind recently, to be revisited later.  Again not satisfied with it, but it's a start.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Scylla Portrait Study

Portrait study of my praying mantis, Scylla.
Not entirely satisfied with it, mainly because it was very hard to get a good reference photo.  I plan on doing another one when I can get a good, clear, head-on photo, which is very hard to do with a two-inch-long insect.

(I'm taking a break from "Thermals" right now)